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Julie Oberin AM

Julie Oberin
Change Agent

Julie Oberin AM has dedicated her life to eradicating violence against women. Her journey from survivor to leader exemplifies resilience and commitment.

As CEO of Annie North Women’s Refuge, she pioneered innovative practices, including:

  • the importance of children being recognised as family violence victims,
  • the need for culturally sensitive services and better responses for Aboriginal women and women on temporary visas.

Julie's advocacy transcends boundaries, highlighting emotional abuse through impactful initiatives. In the 1990s she produced the film 'Shredded'.

Julie pioneered changes in Victorian refuges. She championed ‘core and cluster refuge models’ and other reforms. The refuge she runs in Bendigo is an example of best practice.

Julie has served on national and international boards. She has advised many governments on responding to and ending family violence. She was among the first to recognise technology-facilitated abuse.

She played a pivotal role in the First National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children. Julie was a member of the Council of Australian Governments Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence Against Women and their Children.

Julie has participated many times at international forums such as the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
