Talk to your local council or kindergarten service about the enrolment process. You can also call the Three-Year-Old Kindergarten Enquiry Line on 1800 338 663 or email For in-language support or to get an interpreter, call 131 450 first.
Early Start Kindergarten
Children from a refugee or asylum seeker background can access additional supports and receive priority of access to kindergarten through Early Start Kindergarten. You can ask your local service about Early Start Kindergarten when you are enrolling your child, or visit Early Start Kindergarten for more information.
When to enrol
In Victoria, you can start children in a kinder program when they are 3 years old. You can enter your child’s birthdate in the Starting Age Calculator to find out what year they can start Three- and Four-Year-Old Kinder.
If your child’s birthday falls between 1 January and 30 April, you will need to work out the year they will start school to work out which years they will attend kinder. You can choose whether your child attends school in the year they turn five or six.
Find a kinder program
To find services offering approved kinder programs, visit the find a kinder program website. Your local council and kindergarten services can also help you find a place in kindergarten.
Look for the Kinder Tick
The Kinder Tick helps Victorian families find an approved kinder program for their children.
Look for the Kinder Tick logo at your local kindergarten service, on the service or centre’s building or grounds, on their website or in their information materials.
