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Fire District Review Panel - Frequently asked questions

What is the Fire District Review Panel?

The Fire District Review Panel (the Panel) is an independent public entity that commenced on 1 July 2020. It was established by and is bound under legislative obligations set out in the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 (Vic).

Who does the Fire District Review Panel report to?

The members of the Panel are appointed by the Minister for Emergency Services, and the Panel provides independent advice to the Minister.

What is the role of the Fire District Review Panel?

A program of fire services reform is underway to fully deliver on the recommendations of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission and subsequent reviews.

As part of this reform in Victoria, the Panel was established to conduct reviews of the Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) fire district boundaries and provide independent advice to the Minister for Emergency Services on whether changes to fire risk mean that the FRV fire district boundaries need to be adjusted.

When are you going to review the Fire Rescue Victoria fire district boundaries?

The Panel will undertake reviews of the FRV fire district boundaries at least once every four years. The current four-year review period commenced on 1 July 2020 and will be completed by 30 June 2024.

The Minister may also request additional reviews of any FRV fire district boundaries to address location specific issues and emerging risks.

How are you going to review the Fire Rescue Victoria fire district boundaries?

As part of the review the Panel will conduct quantitative risk assessments, based on key drivers, and consult with relevant stakeholders in order to determine whether any FRV fire district boundaries need to be changed.
These risk assessments will consider how the drivers of fire risk, such as population growth, service demand, land use and climate change are altering the fire risk across the state, and whether these changes mean the FRV fire district boundaries need to be adjusted.

The Panel has published the Fire Rescue Victoria Fire District Review - Proposed Risk Assessment Methodology Discussion Paper which outlines the proposed risk assessment methodology for undertaking reviews of FRV fire district boundaries.

Who are you consulting with as part of the review?

As part of the review process, the Panel will consult with all relevant stakeholders, including fire agencies and local government.

The Panel has published the Fire Rescue Victoria Fire District Review - Proposed Risk Assessment Methodology Discussion Paper which outlines the proposed risk assessment methodology to underpin its reviews. Feedback is encouraged via the structured survey in the discussion paper link above.

The Panel will continue to engage and consult with stakeholders as it undertakes reviews of the FRV fire boundaries across the state.
