Who is leading the change
Family Safety Victoria
The Department of Health and Human Services review the contractual arrangements (including funding levels) for crisis supported accommodation to remove barriers for particular groups, such as women with no income and women and children with disabilities.
The Case management program requirements for specialist family violence services that support victim survivors (program requirements) have been developed to provide a comprehensive guide for specialist family violence case management services that support victim survivors.
The program requirements establish consistent expectations for specialist family violence case management services, including in relation to access to and support in refuge accommodation settings. They include a focus on meeting the needs of victim survivors who have historically experienced barriers to services, including women and children with disabilities and victim survivors on temporary visas, and are applicable to providers of refuge and crisis supported accommodation. Feedback from key agencies supporting multicultural communities and women with disabilities has been incorporated.
This recommendation is linked with Recommendation 15 which recommended phasing out the communal refuge model and replacing it with refuge accommodation that promotes safety and is accessible to people experiencing barriers to service access. When the redevelopment program is completed there will be 19 new core and cluster refuges (including two refuges led by and for Aboriginal communities) all built with disability access to the highest levels of relevant design specifications. The core and cluster facilities will increase the number of accessible refuge beds state-wide.
The new core and cluster refuge services will support victim survivors in private, independent units allowing for increased autonomy and independence. In addition, they allow greater scope for service providers to bring other services on site in the new built environment, promoting better service integration.
A review of the funding model for family violence crisis supported accommodation has occurred in line with the roll-out of the core and cluster capital works program (Recommendation 15).
The redeveloped facilities and updated funding model enable enhanced support for a diverse range of clients in family violence crisis supported accommodation services.
The program requirements were released to the sector in 2022 and implementation is underway. Most agencies are well progressed in embedding the program requirements within their organisations. The program requirements will form part of the agreement with agencies from July 2023.