Mental health and alcohol and other drugs services are now represented on all Risk Assessment and Management Panels which have been rolled out across the state.
The promotion of shared care casework by family violence, alcohol and other drugs and mental health services is incorporated in the establishment of initial specialist family violence advisors in each of the 17 Department of Health and Human Services areas, as per Recommendation 98.
Guidelines for services that auspice the specialist family violence advisor positions include a strong focus on the promotion of collaborative practice and shared casework across the mental health, alcohol and other drugs and family violence sectors.
Resources have also been provided to peak bodies and other stakeholders in the alcohol and other drugs, mental health and family violence sectors to promote collaboration and shared models.
Ongoing implementation will include exploration of an effective relationship with our Support and Safety Hubs as they are introduced across Victoria, including pursuing new shared casework models that are integrated with broader services delivered through Hubs.