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Extend the functions of Family Violence Court Division courts to other courts

Recommendation 060


Who is leading the change

Court Services Victoria

The Victorian Government ensure that all Magistrates’ Court of Victoria headquarter courts and specialist family violence courts have the functions of Family Violence Court Division courts. These courts should therefore have:

  • specialist magistrates, registrars, applicant and respondent workers to assist parties in applications for family violence intervention orders and any subsequent contravention proceedings
  • dedicated police prosecutors and civil advocates
  • facilities for access to specialist family violence service providers and legal representation for applicants and respondents
  • power to make counselling orders under Part 5 of the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic)
  • remote witness facilities for applicants
  • the jurisdictional powers of the Family Violence Court Division under section 4I of the Magistrates’ Court Act 1989 (Vic), including the power to make parenting and property orders under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).
