Who is leading the change
Family Safety Victoria
The Victorian Government review family violence and sexual assault services to determine whether and, if so, how family violence and sexual assault responses should be unified.
Having identified the benefits of aligning responses to sexual and family violence, we are working towards greater alignment and collaboration between these sectors. Key areas of focus include:
- identification of key interdependencies and opportunities to strengthen collaboration through mapping and consultation with family violence and sexual assault services
- implementation of the Family Violence Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework, considering the interrelated roles and responsibilities of sexual assault services
- reform of the information sharing regime, with sexual assault services as a prescribed organisation within the legislation
- development of The Orange Door network with opportunities to build greater understanding about the occurrence of sexual assault in the context of family violence.
This foundational work has supported a shared approach to working with individuals experiencing family and sexual violence.
In response to both Recommendations 31 and 32, a range of reforms are being implemented, including:
- development of a 10-year whole of Victorian government strategy to prevent and address sexual violence, abuse and harm, which will be informed by shared approaches to family and sexual violence response.
- developing training for specialist family violence workers that will improve their capacity to identify and respond to sexual violence.
- development of tools and resources to support shared approaches where family and sexual violence co-occur.
- strengthening the interface between sexual assault services and family violence services including The Orange Door network.
- strengthened shared risk assessment, information sharing and joint case work practice between family violence and sexual assault services.
Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SAS Vic) and Safe and Equal, as the peak bodies for specialist sexual assault and family violence services, are working collaboratively to ensure that this focus is sustained over time.
A range of reforms have contributed to the implementation of this recommendation, including:
- the changes to the information sharing regime
- the implementation of the redeveloped (MARAM) Framework
- the development of the Case Management Program Requirements for specialist family violence services that support victim survivors
- strengthening the interface between sexual assault services and The Orange Door network
- working with Aboriginal community to design and lead a training package for Aboriginal workforce about responding to disclosures of sexual abuse
- the implementation of Aboriginal designed and led sexual assault programs
- continuing to roll out the Sexually Abusive Behaviours Treatment Services.
This work provides a strong foundation for the continued development of the 10-year whole of Victorian government strategy to prevent and address sexual violence, abuse and harm, and will further strengthen collaboration and alignment between specialist family violence and sexual violence services.
Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SAS Vic) and Safe and Equal have undertaken a project to map the fundamental elements of existing relationships between the sexual assault and family violence sectors. A technical advisory group comprising representatives from both sectors supported the work which focused on the opportunities for shared casework, secondary consultation and collaborative learning and development between the two sectors. Building on this project, SAS Vic has been funded to undertake further work to build shared practice approaches between sexual assault and family violence services.
SAS Vic has also been funded a sector grant for the 2021-23 period. They will use some of this grant funding to continue the collaboration with Safe and Equal and No to Violence with a specific focus on addressing sexual assault in the context of family violence, supporting system responses to fulfil obligations under MARAM, Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme and Child Information Sharing Scheme and work collaboratively to identify and address systemic barriers that cause difficulties in undertaking MARAM risk assessment and management.
In addition, work will continue with sexual assault services, including Centres Against Sexual Assault, and multi-disciplinary centres to strengthen how these services interact with The Orange Door network. This work is focused on ensuring victim survivors of sexual assault have access to support based on their needs and choices.