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DJSIR – Learn Local Sector – 17 June 2024 – International Specialised Skills Institute – 2024 Round 2 Fellowships now open

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Skills and Employment

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Unit memo


  • registered Learn Local providers
  • statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Laura Lo Bianco-Smith, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education, Higher Education and Workforce

Date: 17/06/2024

Subject: International Specialised Skills Institute – 2024 Round 2 Fellowships now open

Actions/Critical dates

  • Eligible applicants are encouraged to apply for ISS Institute International VET Practitioner Fellowships. More information (including the application form and guidelines) is available on the ISS Institute website.
  • Round 2 of the fellowship applications for 2024 are open from 1 June 2024 to 25 August 2024.

2024 International VET Practitioner Fellowships

The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) works in partnership with the International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) to fund the International VET Practitioner Fellowships. The fellowship program focuses on developing opportunities within the vocational education and training (VET) sector to assist in building a VET system in Victoria that produces excellence and reduces the impact of disadvantage. The program supports the priorities of Skills First, including developing VET workforce capacity and capability, supporting innovative training practices and increasing teacher quality within the Victorian VET sector.

Why the ISS Institute?

The ISS Institute is a not-for-profit, independent, national organisation. It has worked for over 30 years with Australian governments, industries and education institutions to enable individuals to gain enhanced skills and experience in traditional trades, professions, leading edge technologies and education and training.

About the fellowships

The ISS Institute International VET Practitioner Fellowships are grants that support eligible Victorian VET practitioners to travel overseas and undertake applied research in their area of expertise. Upon returning from their travels fellows share their newfound knowledge and expertise within their networks, institutions and across the sector.

Fellowships of $13,000 each are available to VET practitioners who are employed within Victorian Government contracted registered training organisations (RTOs), including TAFEs, private RTOs and Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board registered Learn Local providers. Fellowships are also available to VSA Industry Advisory Group members and their executive officers.

Proposals for fellowship research should focus in one or more of the following priority areas:

  1. Developing quality training with deep and meaningful connections to emerging or ongoing industry needs.
  2. Developing educational approaches that support inclusion and increase participation.
  3. Developing education and training that supports the skills needed for a clean economy.

Past fellows from the Learn Local sector

Giselle Sim, Cloverdale Community Centre

Giselle was awarded a fellowship in 2021. She travelled to Italy and Malaysia in 2023 to explore international best practice applying social and emotional learning practices in the adult classroom. Her report Making Wellbeing in the Classroom was published in early 2024.

Emily Tucker, Carringbush Adult Education

Emily was also a 2021 fellow and travelled to the United States in late 2022. Her research investigated innovative digital literacy strategies for empowering migrant and refugee adult learners. Her report Building Digital Resilience Through Effective Instructional Strategies was also published this year.

How to apply for this fellowship

To apply for this fellowship, you are required to:

  • Complete the application form
  • Provide a current curriculum vitae (resume)
  • Provide 2 letters of support for your fellowship topic
  • Provide an employer endorsement letter.

Further information and contact details

For more information:
