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Lodge a disciplinary appeal

Teaching Service employees may lodge an appeal for outcomes relating to unsatisfactory performance and misconduct.

Lodging a disciplinary appeal

An application for an appeal may be lodged by email or mail by completing the appeal application form. (see Schedule 11, Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017)

The application for an appeal must be signed and dated.

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The completed application form and a copy of the Secretary's determination letter and preliminary view letter should either be:

  • emailed to
  • mailed to Disciplinary Appeals Boards, Level 4, 2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000

Applications need to be lodged within 14 days after the date on which the appellant is given notice in writing of the determination.

The appeal form cannot be changed to include other sections of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

The Disciplinary Appeals Boards (DAB) will use the information collected on the appeal application form for the purpose of assessing, managing and responding to an appeal. This includes, however is not limited to, such activities as determining the Board's jurisdiction to hear a matter, scheduling of hearings and preparing a Board for the hearing.

The DAB will use or disclose personal and health information for the purpose for which it was collected such as preparing Board members for a hearing or communicating Board decisions to the appellant and their representative at the hearing (if any); the decision maker and their representative at the hearing (if any); the Secretary of the department; and the Executive Director, Schools Human Resources.

Your comment will be sought if your data is to be used for purposes other than addressing the grievance process unless authorised or required by law. Your information is kept secure and confidential and managed in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and Health Records Act 2001.

About the Disciplinary Appeals Boards

Applications for Merit Protection Boards (MPB) and Disciplinary Appeal Boards (DAB) pools

Applications are now open for MPB and DAB Board members. Expressions of Interest must be lodged by 16 February 2025.

Further detail and the applications portal are found here:
Merit Protection Boards and Disciplinary Appeal Boards Pool |
