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DET - Learn Local Sector - 13 September - Pre-accredited training recognised by the Commonwealth as another Government Program

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Participation, Inclusion and Regional Engagement — Branch Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • PIRE Branch staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education

Date: 13 September 2021

Subject: Pre-accredited training recognised by the Commonwealth as another Government Program

Actions/Critical points:

Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) has re-affirmed their advice that:

  • pre-accredited training delivered by Learn Local providers and Adult Education Institutions is recognised as an ‘Other Government Program’ and count towards job seeker Annual Activity Requirements (AAR)
  • pre-accredited course-related costs can be funded through the jobactive Employment Fund
  • DET and DESE will continue to support Learn Locals and jobactives in the co-design of future programs.


Since May 2019, pre-accredited training has been recognised by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) as an ‘Other Government Program’. This information has recently been re-distributed to jobactive and other DESE providers.

Jobactive and other DESE providers are able to refer any job seeker into ACFE Board funded pre-accredited training. Learn Local providers or Adult Education Institutions do not need to seek separate approval and the program will automatically count towards a job seekers’ AAR.

Payment for training will be co-funded; the ACFE Board will fund the subsidy amount of $9.10 per Student Contact Hour (SCH), jobactive providers will fund the student contribution via the Employment Fund of $1.08 per SCH, to a maximum of $50 as a concession fee. All other concession reimbursement and regional loading arrangements remain unchanged.

If Learn Local providers come across an instance where a jobactive is unaware of the approval, it is recommended that they refer them to the advice from DESE and/or ask the jobactive provider to touch base with their DESE Contract Manager for any concerns about Employment Fund usage in this context.

Jobactive Providers can exercise their discretion in the use of the Employment Fund in determining which pre-accredited training program is best suited for individual job seekers. The Employment Fund can be used to meet specific pre-accredited course-related costs including:

  • The ‘Non-Work for the Dole Activity Costs’ Employment Fund category can be claimed for the student course fees, as well as amenities and tuition fees under the same category.
  • The ‘Tools, books, equipment and mobile phones’ Employment Fund category can be claimed for books and tools etc. where required for training.
  • Learn Locals are encouraged to continue to build place-based strategic partnerships and work with jobactives to design programs with intended local job outcomes.

Employment Facilitators can also offer further support to build place-based strategic partnerships. As a key component of the DESE Local Jobs Program, Employment Facilitators work in specific regions in coordination with local stakeholders. This includes a focus on building connections that can assist local job seekers to access training, job opportunities and other supports. Contact details for Employment Facilitators by region are available at Local Jobs Programs(opens in a new window).

Further information

For further information contact your DET Regional Office.
