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The deafConnectEd program is intended to create more equitable opportunities and outcomes in education and training for students who are deaf and hard of hearing.

What is deafConnectEd?

deafConnectEd is a specialist centre located within Melbourne Polytechnic and is committed to the inclusion and successful outcomes of students who are deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) in post-secondary education. The purpose of deafConnectEd is to support and improve educational pathways for DHH learners in the vocational education and training (VET) sector.

deafConnectEd delivers a range of activities which include providing support, information and linkage services, professional development and research into best practice across their suite of service. These services are available to current and future students, teachers and trainers, interpreters and notetakers in the training sector. deafConnectEd activities involve community voices by working closely with Expression Australia, Auslan Consultancy, Deaf Victoria and a range of other stakeholders.

Visit the deafConnectEd website for more information.

Why is deafConnectEd being funded?

The Victorian Government is committed to addressing disadvantage and promoting equity. This commitment is consistent with the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions' (the department's) Strategic Plan 2023–2027, which emphasises the need for improved opportunities for disadvantaged cohorts and inclusive approaches to economic growth in Victoria. Improving opportunities for disadvantaged cohorts includes supporting DHH learners to participate in education and training towards gainful employment.

The department funds deafConnectEd to deliver a range of services focusing on literacy and numeracy, information sharing, professional development and targeted research on the barriers and issues facing the Victorian DHH community. Activities across these areas include developing education solutions that enhance inclusion, fostering participation through industry and building community partnerships with education providers, and supporting staff, students, families and community organisations. These activities involve community voices by working closely with Expression Australia, Melbourne Polytechnic, Auslan Consultancy and a range of other partners.

What services are available from deafConnectEd?

deafConnectEd provides information and support services to current and future DHH learners, teachers and trainers, interpreters, support staff and notetakers. These services include:

  • supporting Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) at Victorian TAFEs working with DHH students
  • providing information to DHH students
  • providing notetakers with information and professional development opportunities
  • providing deafness awareness training for staff employed in the Victorian VET sector, including webinars in partnership with the VET Development Centre (VDC)
  • supporting Melbourne Polytechnic and RMIT University with the delivery of education and training courses in Australian Sign Language (Auslan)
  • working with the Skills and Jobs Centres network to improve access to information and career-related services for DHH learners.

Who are deafConnectEd services for?

deafConnectEd core services are readily available for the following groups:

  • future DHH learners
  • current DHH learners
  • DLOs working with DHH learners
  • TAFEs and Learn Local Registered Training Organisations (RTO)
  • TAFE and RTO teachers and trainers, including numeracy and literacy support staff
  • Auslan interpreters and notetakers
  • relevant stakeholders engaged with the DHH community through deafConnectEd governance structures and activities, along with relevant departmental staff including Skills and Jobs Centres.

What other services and opportunities are linked to deafConnectEd?

deafConnectEd partners with a wide range of stakeholders in Victoria to improve deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind service delivery and sector capability. deafConnectEd partners include:

  • Able Australia
  • Auslan Consultancy
  • Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions – Reconnect 2021–2024
  • Deaf Victoria – Deaf Education Consortium
  • Expression Australia – Pathways for Deaf Migrants
  • Melbourne Polytechnic – Certificate IV in Training and Assessment for Auslan users
  • RMIT University – Diploma of Interpreting (Auslan)
  • Skills and Jobs Centre Network
  • TAFE Disability Network
  • VET Development Centre – Deafness Awareness Training
  • Victorian Deaf Education Institute
  • Victorian Deaf Education Network


Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

To find out more, contact



Phone: (03) 9269 8306

SMS: 0427 429 968
