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Central Information Point shown to help keep people safer

Thursday 28 February 2019 at 4:57 pm

The Central Information Point (CIP) is keeping people safer, frontline workers at The Orange Door say.

The CIP allows workers to better identify the risks posed by people using family violence and take action more quickly to keep people experiencing violence safe.

Gathered by the CIP training team, the feedback consistently shows that CIP reports are making it easier for frontline workers to quickly access the information they need to make decisions about managing risk.

One frontline worker said: “We received an L17 indicating that a person had been subject to a physical assault by their partner. We requested a CIP report and we were considering closing the matter as an intervention order had been granted.

“However, the CIP report showed that the alleged perpetrator had a significant history of violence and verbal abuse to previous partners. This information changed the risk assessment and meant we provided immediate additional support to the family member that evening to make sure they were kept safe.”

Frontline workers have told the CIP training team that CIP reports are also empowering people experiencing violence to make decisions about their own safety and enabling preventative work to happen, as well as reactive support following a family violence incident.

Family Safety Victoria (FSV) continues to seek feedback from frontline workers to inform the design and development of the CIP service to better support practice and client outcomes.

Since the CIP began service in April 2018, more than 2,000 reports have been delivered to frontline workers, primarily in The Orange Door.

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