Recovery progress
Since its establishment in January 2020, Emergency Recovery Victoria has:
- established a dedicated recovery support program to link individuals and families with individualised support, including access to emergency accommodation
- cleaned up 736 bushfire-affected properties across Victoria, including the removal of 75,000 tonnes of debris
- rolled out a range of grants to address recovery needs
- operated 8 Community Recovery Hubs to make it easier for people to access the services they need
- established the Short-Term Modular Housing program to get people back on their land and in their communities as they begin the rebuilding process
- developed wrap-around support for Victorians seeking to rebuild
- established and facilitated 22 Community Recovery Committees so communities can plan and lead their own recovery
- coordinated a range of support programs and initiatives across the 5 lines of recovery: People and wellbeing, Aboriginal culture and healing, environment and biodiversity, business and economy and buildings and infrastructure
- released the State Bushfire Recovery Framework and Plan to guide the coordination of recovery efforts
- partnered with the most impacted councils from the fires – those of East Gippsland, Towong and Alpine Shires, to support them to have the capacity and capability needed for local planning, coordination and support.