- Inducted:
- 2012
- Category:
- Change Agent
Amara Hamid arrived in Australia in 1988 as a refugee from Eritrea. Her many life experiences have influenced her desire to support and contribute to her family and the lives of others.
After studying Family Therapy at Monash University, Amara set about passionately supporting her community, and became an advocate for women to become leaders within culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
She is currently working for the Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Network counselling CALD women throughout Victoria.
Amara has established many training and leadership programs in the community, including partnering with schools, councils and TAFE institutions. These programs, such as 'Smart Cuisine', are enabling local women to gain employment, establish leadership roles and promote healthy living.
As Chairperson of the Eritrean Women's Network, Amara pioneered the first educational campaign against female circumcision in Australia. This led to the establishment of the Family Reproductive Rights Education Program run by the Victorian Department of Health.
In 2005, Amara received the Adult Migrant Education Service award from the City of Kingston for Best Practise in Encouraging Full Community Participation in culturally and linguistically diverse communities.