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Other Tribunal matters

3. Other Tribunal matters

3.1 Tribunal meetings

The Tribunal held 20 regular meetings and 5 special meetings over 2020–21. Minutes were kept for each meeting.

There were no incidences of a disclosure of an interest recorded in the minutes of a meeting of the Tribunal under section 14(4) of the VIRTIPS Act.

3.2 Finance

Section 45 of the Financial Management Act 1994 (Vic) (FMA) requires the Tribunal to prepare a report of operations and financial statements for each financial year.

In accordance with a determination made by the Assistant Treasurer under s. 53(1)(b) of the FMA, the Tribunal’s report of operations and financial statements is consolidated with the annual report of the Department of Premier and Cabinet for 2020-21, and all subsequent financial years.

Under s. 8(3)(d) of the FMA, and Standing Direction 1.5, the Assistant Treasurer has also exempted the Tribunal from the requirements of the Standing Directions for 2020-21, and all subsequent financial years. While the exemption has been provided on an ongoing basis, it is subject to the Tribunal confirming with the Executive Director, Budget Strategy, Department of Treasury and Finance, prior to the end of May each year, that:

  • the Tribunal has established and maintained alternative arrangements to ensure that no aspect of financial governance is compromised
  • there has not been any significant change to the Tribunal’s risk profile and functions
  • there has not been any key audit finding that might suggest deficiencies in the Tribunal’s financial management and internal control systems.

The Tribunal Chair, as the Accountable Officer for the Tribunal, provided this confirmation for the 2020–21 financial year.

3.3 Freedom of information requests

The Tribunal did not receive any freedom of information requests in 2020–21.
