Community Services
- the most common location for registered employers is the Melbourne CBD
- South Cranbourne is the most common location for registered workers to live
- average 3.1 hours in a working day*
- $35.69 is the median hourly rate for registered workers
- majority of registered workers are female
Contract Cleaning
- the most common location for registered employers is the Melbourne CBD
- Werribee is the most common location for registered workers to live
- average 2.5 hours in a working day*
- $26.24 is the median hourly rate for registered workers
- approximately equal gender split of registered workers
- the most common location for registered employers is Melbourne CBD
- Roxburgh Park is the most common location for registered workers to live
- average 3.3 hours in a working day*
- $30.73 is the median hourly rate for registered workers
- majority of registered workers are male
* The above observations are based on information the Authority currently has on its active Employer and Worker’s Registers as at 30 June 2020. The Worker Register does not currently capture information on whether a single worker is employed in more than one covered industry; thus these figures are calculated per worker per industry.