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Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificates

Michael Xiao:

When my first son Caleb was born, one of my friends designed a homemade birth certificate.

A few years later, Caleb saw the certificate, and he said, "Daddy, it would be a good idea if your registry can produce a commemorative certificate like that."

In 2018, we launched the first Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificate which was the Year of the Dog.

Judy Huang:

The zodiac animals is the first gift. It's very meaningful for Chinese Australians.

Kordelya Zhan Sui Chi:

I come from China and came here in '87.

I am lucky to become a finalist of competitions like the Archibald.

What I like about the certificate is, I combined the Chinese and Australian cultures together, and fun elements for the children.

Michael Xiao:

Because the feedback was so positive, we thought how we can develop the rest of the eleven certificates.

Judy Huang:

Yes, I think the government can can think very detailed about... what I think is the heart for the Chinese Australians.

Kordelya Zhan Sui Chi:

I want parents to be proud to show their children the connection with both cultures. The parent's Chinese heritage and the children's Australian future. It is a celebration for our multicultural population.
