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Focus Area 1: Pathways

What actions will enable people to access social housing, sustain their tenancies, and move between different housing options? What are the most important features of affordable housing?

Support services are essential

You told us that wrap-around services are central to supporting people to access and sustain housing and live well.

The 10-Year Strategy should embed Housing First principles

Housing First(opens in a new window) extends beyond ensuring the provision of adequate housing stock to the provision of the connection and support required by people to settle into and maintain new tenancies over time. It emphasises rapid access to housing without requiring other health or behaviour expectations to be met first.

Support services should be person-centric

Support services should acknowledge that people experiencing homelessness often have histories of deep trauma. Recommendations included allocating one case manager or team to work with someone throughout their journey through housing and integrated services, especially when that person has complex needs.

Expand services that focus on homelessness prevention

Programs like Tenancy Plus(opens in a new window), community legal services, financial counselling and housing access services need to be resourced to support people before they reach a crisis.

Housing and service systems

You told us that housing and systems for services like mental health, alcohol and other drug and legal support are currently complex, inconsistent and difficult to navigate.

More consistent information and integrated systems that match available housing and support services with the needs of applicants is necessary

Whether applicants are moving within social housing, applying for social housing for the first time, navigating crisis accommodation or accessing mental health or alcohol and drug support, the 10- Year Strategy should emphasise streamlining and simplifying access points, information and support options.

Important housing features

You told us that the quality and diversity of housing must reflect the needs of the people that live within it.

Expanding the amount of social and affordable housing will allow for more choice

There are currently limited options to move homes within social housing. Allocation policies and lack of household matching systems often discourage households from moving as their circumstances change. A larger social housing system would allow people to remain in social housing with housing cost and service provision adjusted as an individual’s needs and income changed over time.

Accessibility, location and sustainability are key

Stock should meet universal design, Livable Housing Australia(opens in a new window) guidelines and national sustainability standards such as NatHERS(opens in a new window). Several submissions also noted the need for healthy housing that protects residents from mould and intense heat or cold. Locating housing close to daily and social amenities reduces household costs, minimises disadvantage, prevents isolation and enables residents to maintain tenancies and build supportive communities.

Pathways: Top 7 Themes

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