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Using the Victorian Skills Plan

Occupation and skills demand for Victoria is segmented into 13 stand-alone industry reports.1

These reports provide insights on the key challenges, and will guide the future work of the VSA, Government and key sector stakeholders.

The Skills Plan also includes data on individual occupations, by industry and by region to understand current demand in 2022 and forecast demand by 2025.

The publicly available VSA insights dashboard provides forecasts for the more than 300 occupations that make up the Victorian economy.

The Skills Plan also includes regional snapshots.2 These present views on key occupations and industries and point to actions that can be taken, and the education and training sector’s response required, to bring skills needed to the regions. The snapshots align with the existing Regional Skills Demand Profiles available via the VSA website, and those under development during 2022.

The Skills Plan identifies actions the VSA will undertake – partnering with government, industry, employers, training providers and learners – to address priorities in skills provision.

Other insight reports on specific issues, such as digital skills and clean economy will be published outside of the release of this skills plan.

All documents are available through


1 Industry reports include Administrative and Support Services; Agriculture; Construction; Education and Training; Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services; Health and Community Services; Manufacturing; Mining; Professional, Financial and Information Services; Public Administration and Safety; Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services; Services; and Transport and Logistics.

2 Regional snapshots will be aligned with the nine Regional Partnership regions. There are regional snapshots for Barwon, Central Highlands, Goulburn, Great South Coast, Loddon Campaspe and Mallee. Ovens Murray, Wimmera Southern Mallee and Gippsland Regional Skills Demand Profiles are currently under development – snapshots will be released later in 2022.

Regional snapshots, and Regional Skills Demand Profiles currently under development, align with and complement Regional Development Victoria’s Regional Economic Development Strategies.
