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The survey

We invited people to complete a survey about different topics relating to the social and affordable housing system.

We invited people to answer 8 multiple-choice questions about different topics relating to the social and affordable housing system. For each question they could rank their responses from highest to lowest, telling us what their top priorities are.

We have now reviewed the responses. For some questions, there was a clear preference; for other questions, responses were spread more evenly across the categories.

The findings included here give a summary of top responses for each question. We also asked a few optional questions about the participants so that we can understand who was responding to the survey.

Who participated?

292 community members responded to the survey for the 10-Year Strategy.


  • 55% live in Metropolitan Melbourne
  • 45% live outside of Metropolitan Melbourne


  • 5% are 25 years old and younger
  • 19% are 26–35 years old
  • 27% are 36–50 years old
  • 45% are 51–75 years old
  • 4% are 75 years old and older

How respondents identify

A developer or investor 2%
Person who works in the community housing or homelessness sector 9%
Person who works in health or community services 21%
Person who has experienced homelessness 18%
Person living or has lived in social housing 21%
Person with a disability 20%
A person who speaks a language other than English at home 5%
Migrant or refugee 4%
