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Victorian Honour Roll of Women Program

Celebrating the outstanding contributions made by Victorian women and acknowledging the many ways in which they have made a lasting contribution to our state.

Nominations for the 2025 Honour Roll are now open!

Do you know an extraordinary Victorian woman? Celebrate their contribution by nominating them for the 2025 Victorian Honour Roll of Women.

About the Honour Roll

The Victorian Honour Roll of Women recognises women who show remarkable leadership and excellence in their:

  • field of expertise, interest, or endeavour
  • commitment to the community.

The Honour Roll elevates the significant contributions of Victorian women. This includes trans women and gender diverse people.

The Honour Roll works to counter restrictive and harmful gender norms. We do this by increasing the visibility of women as role models and leaders.

The Honour Roll was established in 2001 as part of Victoria’s centenary celebrations. Just over 750 women have been inducted into the Honour Roll.

Key dates

Nominations open: Monday 3 February 2025

Nominations close: 11:59 pm Sunday 16 March 2025

Assessment period: April to June 2025

Notification of outcomes: July 2025

Ceremony: September 2025

Nomination categories


Nominations are open to anyone who:

  • is a woman. We welcome nominations for or from trans women, sistergirls and gender diverse people
  • was born in, or have spent a considerable part of their life in Victoria
  • has made a significant and lasting contribution at a local, state, national or international level.

We strongly encourage nominations for diverse women including:

  • First Nations women
  • women living with disability
  • women of colour
  • women from culturally and racially marginalised backgrounds
  • women from the LGBTIQA+ community
  • women from regional and rural communities.

Before submitting a nomination, discuss your plans with the nominee and ask their permission to be assessed for the Honour Roll of Women.

Posthumous and self-nominations

Posthumous nominations and self-nominations are welcome.

For posthumous nominees, you may want to discuss the nomination with their family.

Make a nomination

Nominations close 11:59 pm Sunday 16 March 2025.

Start or continue a nomination

If you would prefer to submit your nomination in another format, please email

Offline nominations will not be considered by the assessment panel unless prior arrangements have been made with the Office for Women.

The sample nomination form, nomination toolkit and Easy Read guide - available to download below – are to help you prepare your nomination before completing the online form

Information you need to provide

You must be familiar with the nominee’s work and be able to discuss their achievements in detail.

For ideas on what information to include, explore previous inductees to the Honour Roll.

You will be asked to provide:

  • details of the nominee including their name and contact details
  • your contact details
  • a brief summary of the nominee (short biography) as it relates to their nomination and the category selected.

You can upload a copy of their CV or provide a link to their LinkedIn profile. There’s no need to provide a detailed history of their professional or academic background.

Selection criteria

You must address the following selection criteria:

  • Tell us why you think the nominee should be inducted.
  • Describe the nominee’s activities and achievements including how their activities and achievements have:
    • made a significant contribution to their community, field of work or endeavour
    • generated long-term benefits for the local, national or international community.
  • How does the nominee exemplify the description of the ideal inductee for the category you are nominating them under.


You will also need to provide:

  • details of 2 referees for the nominee and their written or verbal statements of support. Please note: nominators cannot be a referee for the person they are nominating.
  • a high-quality recent photo of the nominee.

Written statements of support (referee letters) from referees should be:

  • displayed on official letterhead (if possible)
  • have the contact details of the referee displayed on the letter
  • contain a signature of the referee (electronic signature or hand written on the letter).

Supporting documents

You can add up to 5 additional documents or materials to support your nomination. This could include news articles, published work, links to YouTube videos, awards or other items that provide a greater understanding of the nominee’s achievements.

The supporting documents provide context, confirm the nominee’s achievements and support the induction process. They are not compulsory and will not be assessed as part of the nomination.

Privacy and your personal information

We protect the privacy of your personal information. Read the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing's privacy statement.

Nomination toolkit and sample form

Victorian Honour Roll of Women 2025 nomination toolkit
Word 490.39 KB
(opens in a new window)
Victorian Honour Roll of Women 2025 nomination Easy Read guide
PDF 3.45 MB
(opens in a new window)

Victorian Honour Roll of Women 2025 Sample nomination form
Word 498.5 KB
(opens in a new window)

Tips for making a nomination

Victorian Honour Roll of Women inductees are recognised under one of 4 categories. Nominators must show how the nominee reflects their selected category.

Don't focus on all the nominee’s achievements. Highlight those that show how they are suitable to be inducted in your selected category.

Spread the word!

Tell your friends, family, colleagues to nominate the extraordinary Victorian women they know.

Print out and display the poster in your work place, and community spaces.

Victorian Honour Roll of Women 2025 nomination poster
PDF 108.38 KB
(opens in a new window)
